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This blog is a result of my many instances thinking "I should write down this really cool thing I'm learning/implementing somewhere", and then proceeding to write it down with pen and paper before losing that documentation for good. After struggling time and time again trying to find notes of something I did or learned, I figured writing a blog that appends to my website / online portfolio would be a good way of storing them.

As the famous quote (often mistakenly attributed to A. Einstein) goes, "if you cannot explain it simply you don't understand it well enough"1, this blog also serves as a great way to reinforce my understanding of the subjects I'm learning by forcing me to explain the concepts as intuitively as possible. I have enjoyed explaining concepts to people, and have considered that perhaps I'd like to teach someday, which is another benefit to setting up this blog.

I should be setting up posts soon (I hope!), so stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by! (While you're at it feel free to drop by my website!)

1 A quick search gave me this and this alluding to nuclear physicist Ernest Rutherford as the source of the quote, and I daresay that the quote "an alleged scientific discovery has no merit unless it can be explained to a barmaid" is more classy.


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